

like Bob said, every little thing is going to be alright

What is going on?


COVID-19 ... ohmmm what?

2020 has brought us many tosses & turns in just a short 3 months. But this, is by far the worst. No matter how hard we try to keep our cool during this confusing and scary time, many of us can’t help but find ourselves worried, anxious, overwhelmed, and overthinking about what’s to come. To be honest, we are all wondering the same thing. What is going on? But here’s the thing. We don’t know. And what we don’t know, we can not control. What we can not control we can not let control us. We can not let this situation control our thoughts, actions, and emotions. Only we are in control of these. So let’s trade the time worrying for time well spent! Stay HOME. Do that thing you always wanted to but have been putting off for a lack of time. Clean your space! Reorganize. Restructure. Take a break. Breathe. Meditate. Move. Take this moment to HEAL. We are all in this together. Let’s HEAL the world as one.

It may sound crazy at first, to sit in silence with your self and let thoughts pass. But trust the process. Be in the moment and tune in. Begin to unlock parts of yourself and see where your magical mind can take you!

In light of the recent global pandemic, I have decided to share with you all some tips, self projects, and inspiration to help get you through these trying times. Whether you are working from home, laid off, or quarantined until further notice, remember to take it one day at a time. Try to enjoy this break from your day to day routine, and use it as a chance to remeet yourself. When this is all over, let’s step back out as our best selves! Let’s help the world be a better place.

It starts with yourself!


Create Content

Be Creative

Ask how can you do your part in healing the world?

Just you, yourself & your mat!

(Click any photo below to watch full video!)

Pick a corner, any corner! Clear it out. Place a chair. Any chair. Place a light. A book. A candle? A blanket, and Bam! Meditation Station!


By tuning in while tuning the rest of the world out. Beginning with guided meditation, breathing techniques, and taking a moment to just be. Remaining in the present moment, connecting to your breath and allowing thoughts to come and go with out attaching emotions to them.

Turn your space into somewhere you want to be. No matter how big or small your home is, let this be your sanctuary.

Reorganize & restructure

Start your day with a Guided Meditation

Take this time to work on yourself. No competition, no spectators, no distractions. Allow yourself to crush the goals that you may have no had the time to accomplish. Feeling overwhelmed? Write it all out. Clear your mind. You never know what may be lingering underneath all of the clutter.

Tip: Begin by purging your space! Remove anything that no longer serves you. . . Literally! If an item, a piece of furniture or decoration, takes up space rather than serves a purpose. Remove it! Despite the “emotional attachment”, “sentimental meaning” or what ever excuse you come up with to have let it linger for so long. Take this time to part ways, mourn it, give it away, but whatever you do, Let it go!

While working on removing the excess clutter, you’ll begin to notice your space feels lighter, & easier to navigate.

Meditation Tip: Now begin thinking about your own life. What things have been lingering for too long, taking up space in your life, but not serving a purpose? Bad Habits? People? Take this time to reflect. As your space begins to feel lighter maybe consider this for your life too. What can we remove , making it easier to navigate, to feel lighter?

Take this time to let go!

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such ase mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state

Speaking of Meditation ...

